
Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm a published author!

{Vote for your favorite Pinterest Challenge Piece here}

A few years ago I wrote a handful of articles for a women's magazine called "Radiant".  (If you've heard of Relevant, it was the women's version of that).  I really enjoyed writing these articles and thought I'd share them here every now and then.  You didn't know I was a published author, did you?!  

Writing is in my blood.  I loved it - even before I had my own blog.  So... taking you back to my very first one: February 2006

“Mishaps in Ministry”

Having my parents over to my college apartment for dinner could only mean one thing – there was something serious to be said.  We awkwardly talked through the meal about the weather or what was going on in school until there was no more food to eat or topics to discuss.  Only one thing was left.

I blurted it out;

“Mom, Dad – I think I’m going to commit a year of my life to full time ministry”.

These words weren’t new to them, but when I would bring up mission work before, I’m not sure I ever really communicated.  Instead of hearing that their daughter was thinking of dedicating the 22nd year of her life to ministry, I’m pretty sure all they heard was;

“Mom, Dad – thank you for paying for all four years of a private university.  I am now going to waste the degree you paid for and depend on all our family and friends for monetary support until I figure out what I really want to do with my life”.

Amazingly, God had worked in both my parent’s hearts that week.  By the time my dinner arrived, they were totally behind my year in missions.  It’s not that my words were magical this time, but we were in a more conducive atmosphere to talk – not in line at the grocery store or sitting in church two minutes before the service started. 

But that still left one great question:  How did I know God was calling me to be a full time missionary?

I always smile when I ask newlyweds how they knew their significant other was The One.  Their answers are ALWAYS the same – the universal “you just know”.  While I’m not sure it’s fair to compare ministry to marriage, it wasn’t that clear for me.

I didn’t just know

I had realized my heart for disadvantaged youth and wondered if God was calling me to minister to them full time or to use my degree to teach them academically.  The battle between my head and my heart during those years was intense.  It was hard to tell who was winning, or who was even supposed to win.

My heart would tell me that God wanted to use 100% of my life for ministry, and my head would convince my heart that I wasn’t pure enough, smart enough, or holy enough to be in full time mission work.

I finally stopped listening to both and searched the Word for what God said.  Coming across 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 my eyes opened and mouth dropped as God so clearly spoke to me.  “…Think of what you were when you were called.  Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.  But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong” (NLT).

That was all the convincing I needed.  God knew I was weak.  In fact, that’s exactly why He called me to mission work.  He works best through the weak people of this world.  And boy was I weak.

My first time sharing Christ on the street corners taught me my first lesson in ministry – never go evangelizing alone.  Not only is it better to bring someone along to teach them how to share the Gospel, but it deters most guys more interested in your phone number than your life-saving message.

Never try to compete with pizza when it comes to sharing Jesus with kids.  Right after asking who would like to become a Christian at a Bible Club, the pizza guy came – the rest was history.  As crucial and important as the Gospel is, in a child’s mind, the pizza just smells better.

When working with bi-lingual youth, it’s best to actually understand both languages – otherwise you will be supervising a student-led Spanish Kids Club totally oblivious to the fact that they are accidentally reading about staying away from lewd women instead of honoring their Mother and Father.

In light of these funny mishaps, my six months as a full time missionary have constantly reminded me of how weak I really am – how little I can do apart from Christ. 

Here I am, a small white girl from the Midwest who has never touched any illegal substances or seen the inside of a jail.  I’ve never been molested or abused or homeless as so many of the people I minister to have. 

Yet, His power is perfected in my weakness.

My weakness is lack of experience and knowledge.  His power is in the fact that He can use me anyway.

God is using me, a 22 year old virgin, to teach women in a rehab home about good parenting skills, moving from brokenness to wholeness, and how to break the bonds of prostitution, alcohol and drugs. 

God is using me, a college graduate with no knowledge of the latest drug lingo, to spend a weekend with 30 abused, sexually molested, high school dropouts and drug-ravaged teens in order to point them to the hope they have in Jesus Christ.

God is using me, one of three children to never know what it’s like to be without family, food or home, to talk to homeless people on busses and street corners about their faith.

I realistically cannot relate to any of their experiences and trials – I cannot tell them that I know how they feel – yet somehow they are blind to that.  God is using me despite my upper middle class upbringing to reach the poor and oppressed of this world.

God wants to use you, too – right where you are.

We, as Christians, are all called to full time ministry, no matter what our profession or career.  We are all commanded to make disciples and teach them about Christ – despite our experiences, or lack there of.

So, as your eyes turn from this article and you close out of, remember this – you are now entering your mission field.

Friday, October 28, 2011

have you seen the pinterest challenge pieces?

It’s officially time to vote, my friends! Are you excited?! 

We have a total of 12 entries into the Home Décor category. 

Go here to see all the entries and vote. You can click on each image to be taken to another blog to read about the project and see the original pin! Then vote for your favorite project by clicking on the little star above the image. 

Voting will be open for one week, and the winner will be announced on Friday, November 4th. 

Don’t forget to also go vote for the entries in the other categories: 

Thanks for entering, ladies! So many of you are last minute crafters (like me) – I was concerned no one would enter. Silly me.

Remember, the winner receives these prizes:

This bag from my Better Life Bag collection (The Alicia)... in the fabrics of your choice!

This amazing House Rules print in your size choice from Peace, Love, Etsy.
AND this beautiful necklace (personalized up to three discs) from Metal Stamped Memories.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

to remember those we love or lost

Today is the last day to link up to the Pinterest Challenge.  I hope all of you are just last minute crafters - or I'm really sad that only FOUR people linked up to the Home Decor category.  We had well over that for each of the previous rounds.  Maybe it's a busy time of year?  

Regardless, I'm LOVING the projects that have been linked up so far.  Have you seen them?  One of those ladies (and whoever else links up today) is going to win a cool prize package.  I highlighted the sponsor Peace, Love, Etsy the other day and today I want to show off another amazing, crafty sponsor.

Metal Stamped Memories has a great story.  Michaela's son went to heaven at 8 weeks old and her hand stamped necklace shop opened soon after.  Here's what she had to say about why: "I know as a mother who lost a baby that the hurt can be unbearable. The first thing I wanted to have as a memory of my son was a piece of jewelry to wear to feel as close to him as I possibly could. I hope that every mother who buys a memorial piece from me can feel the amount of love that goes into it. The pain will never go away, but the memories and the love last forever." 

I have suffered a similar loss - as I know many of you have.  I blogged about it here and here. After going through this time, a friend of mine bought me a ring with the birthstone of my baby that was now in heaven.  It meant the world to me.  To have something tangible to touch to remember my little one by.  So, I love that Michaela has a whole shop dedicated to remembering our babies.

But they don't have to just be necklaces to remember the ones we lost.  They can easily be used to celebrate the ones we have in our lives today!

I ordered one of these necklaces the other week for a friend.  It came in a sweet box ready to gift and the name was stamped really straight and neat.  The length of the necklace was great - not too short, not too long - and I just realized she has options to upgrade the ball chain for a snake or cable chain.  

Michaela is giving this necklace away to the winner of the Pinterest Challenge... customized with names you choose.

So go - enter the Challenge! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

showing off your bags

Don't forget to enter any Home Decor projects into the Pinterest Challenge.  Deadline is midnight Thursday!

Here are the bags shipping today:

Carla with button closure

Carla with button details

Wet bags.  One extra large at 18" x 21" and a large at 12" x 14"

Hair straightener cover

Friday, October 21, 2011

it's Pinterest Party time!

The time is here!  It's time to link up your projects to the Pinterest Challenge!   

Here are the Challenge Directions again:

Remember, the link party on THIS blog is for the Home Decor category.  Only enter one project, BUT you can enter all of the other categories as well:

You have until next Thursday at midnight to link up your URL (web address) below.  Voting will start next Friday after all the time has been allotted for you to link up to the challenge! 

Remember, you DON'T need a blog to link up.  You can simply email your Pinhead a few pictures and a description of your entry and we'll create a blog post for you.  Easy, right?

If you are or aren't participating by entering a project, we'd LOVE for you to help get the word out about the Pinterest Challenge.  Facebook about it, tweet, stomp, yell, or drag people to the blog by pinning like crazy.  We NEED you to make this a huge success.  If you do have a blog, please grab a button to proudly display:

And don't forget to check out the amazing sponsors for this Round - they have generously donated their precious time and talent for you.
As always, email me with any questions.  Excited to get our Pinterest Party on!!!

It’s officially time to vote, my friends! Are you excited?! 

We have a total of 12 entries into the Home Décor category. 

Go here to see all the entries and vote. You can click on each image to be taken to another blog to read about the project and see the original pin! Then vote for your favorite project by clicking on the little star above the image. 

Voting will be open for one week, and the winner will be announced on Friday, November 4th. 

Don’t forget to also go vote for the entries in the other categories: 

Thanks for entering, ladies! So many of you are last minute crafters (like me) – I was concerned no one would enter. Silly me.

Remember, the winner receives these prizes:

This bag from my Better Life Bag collection (The Alicia)... in the fabrics of your choice!

This amazing House Rules print in your size choice from Peace, Love, Etsy.

AND this beautiful necklace (personalized up to three discs) from Metal Stamped Memories.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

pinterest challenge sponsor: Peace, Love, Etsy

I'd like to highlight a Pinterest Challenge Sponsor today that I think you all will LOVE: Peace, Love, Etsy.  

First of all, how cute is her ETSY name?  And her shop is just as sweet.  She is a digital designer, wife to her high school sweetheart, mother of 2 boys, and a daughter of the King.  Her shop is full of custom designed quotes, sayings, and scriptures to add to the walls of your home. 

Here is one of my favorite quotes in her shop:

A "silent listener" in every conversation.  Whew.  That makes me rethink some of the "venting sessions" I recently had with my husband.  Not sure I would have done that had I remembered Jesus is listening and is THERE with us.  Maybe having this quote on my wall would have done the trick.

But her shop name is based off these cute prints:

Lots of "Peace, Love, ......." prints.  One to suit every hobby.  So cute.

The print she is giving away to the winner of the Home Decor Pinterest Challenge Category is this one:

Don't you just love it?  What amazing house rules to live by.  I'm sure she'd customize the colors for you too - you know, to match your decor.  In fact, she can customize or create a new quote or Bible verse for a small fee of $5!  Totally worth it.
Thanks Holly!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

pinterest inspired project: wrap shirt

Has anyone seen this pin floating around Pinterest? 

She provided a pattern and everything for a precious little warp-around shirt.  I KNEW I had to make it for Ditty before the weather turned cold and all those sweet little dresses would be put away forever.  

 So I used a vintage bed sheet I found at a rummage sale for $.50 and a too big pair of khakis and went to town.

Here is the result of Ditty's new reversible shirt:

But I think it looks much sweeter on this little peanut, don't you?

Luckily I got this shirt done before our last heat wave in Michigan.  Who would ever guess that one side is a bed sheet and the other are my old khaki pants?!  Oh how I love repurposing!

Pinterest Challenge link up starts in 2 days... are you ready?!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

it was a typical monday morning

Monday mornings usually aren't that crazy for me.  At least not any more than usual.  I remember dreading Monday mornings when I taught 5th grade.  There was a whole dread around the word from everyone at school.  

Source from Pinterest

Not anymore.  Monday mornings are exactly like every other morning in my household.  JoJo wakes up aroud 4am wanting his feet covered up.  And then again at 4:15, 4:30, 4:45... until one of us just decides to go sleep on his floor so we all can get some sleep.  That was me yesterday morning.  I took the baby monitor in with me so I could hear when Little Ditty woke up for her early morning snack. 

That happened at 6am.  I snuck out of JoJo's room - avoiding the creaky parts of the floor.  {Funny how we learn the floorboards so well as mommas, huh?!}  Fed Ditty and then realized that this little peanut was NOT GOING BACK TO SLEEP.  She cooed and smiled and blew some adorable bubbles until I gave up trying to rock her and pulled out a few fun toys for her while I snuggled under the quilt on our couch to watch the news.

Still not a totally horrible day, though, right?  In fact, Monday's happen to be a favorite around here.  It's our weekly playdate with this handsome fellow.  We shall call him "Best Friend" on this blog since I have feeling he will be appearing more and more.  Today we were venturing out with all three kids to some thrift stores.  I was excited.

The morning progressed like normal.  JoJo refused every breakfast option I gave him except "cookies" (aka Graham Crackers) and milk.  I attempted to read a few chapters of Psalms while Jo spent some quality time with Dora the Explorer and Ditty practiced picking up cheerios off her plate.

Fast forward to 15 minutes before Best Friend comes over to pick us up for our thrifting adventure.  Both kids are dressed, clean, and happy.  I decide that I might actually get to do my makeup today!  So I venture off to the bathroom - confident that both kids are ready to go as soon as it's time.

A few minutes later this boy comes into the bathroom with white streaks in his hair.

See them?  Desitin. I knew it right away - mostly because of the smell.  How did he get Desitin in his hair?!  It's not like him to do something like that.  And then it hit me - DITTY.

Sure enough, I rush out the bathroom to find this little peanut.

Not only was her face, hands, and entire outfit covered in the white, creamy stuff - but she had crawled around the entire living room making cute little track marks behind her.  Luckily, I keep my camera handy so I can capture moments like this.  And this Monday morning was no different.  Maybe just a little more fun for a certain little someone than most Mondays.  :)


ps - did you see this post from Ashlee (our Recipe Pinhead)?!  This pizza braid looks SO delicious.  And she made it with a pizza kit from Fast Easy Bread (one of the sponsors for the Pinterest Challenge Recipe category)!  I'm seriously going to order this Pizza kit today.  It makes 40 batches of pizza dough for only $26.95.  That's cheaper than the Kroger pizza crust packets I buy. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

bags finished this week

I am so late in posting today!  The full story will come tomorrow as to WHY, but here is a sneak peek:

Let's just say today had MONDAY written all over it.  And this little culprit got caught white-handed.  Details (and cute pictures) to come in the morning.  Until then, you'll have to ooh and aah over these bag designs you made.

First up, this bright and fun Maggie bag (she switched out the ruffle for a fabric flower).  Fun!

Then this beautiful Emily diaper bag with a fabric ribbon and fabric covered adjustable handles.  Top of the line right here!

Another Clara Lynn with an entire zippered inside pocket that extends from one side to the other.  Genius!

A simple checkbook cover with a fabric flower add-on.  Love.

And a Nicole Bag with recessed zipper.  Lots of add-ons this week!

Which one is your favorite?  

Thanks for your patience today.  I promise to have a cute story to go along with that picture tomorrow.  You won't want to miss it!

PS - Don't forget about the Pinterest Challenge!  Link up your entry piece starting on FRIDAY!