
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cherry Oat Bars Recipe

This is our pediatrician...

We absolutely love him.  He is homeopathic - which we didn't know when we first picked him, but quickly found out at our first appointment with him.  

Here were our faces as he starts to spout off all the vitamins we should be taking...


That day, he told me to stop taking my pain medication the hospital gave me.  He said if I let my body heal itself, it would in 3 days.  I didn't believe him.  But I tried it anyway and 3 days later I was completely fine.  Our bodies are apparently made to heal themselves if we would stop getting in the way with modern medicine.

Still forming all my thoughts and beliefs on this.

Anyway, we found out we are moving to Hamtramck, MI.  My first thought was about our doctor.  So, I started searching for a similar doctor near Hamtramck.  

And I found something wonderful.  Someone wonderful.

Not only is she accepting patients, but her website (click on her name) is incredible.  It's just what I've been looking for to get some guidance in this crazy, all natural lifestyle!  I'm following her Ten Steps (on the side of her page).  We are working on steps two and three.  

Anyone want to join me in the steps?  I just made these cherry oat bars.

All natural.

All real foods.

Totally delicious!


1 comment:

  1. Still always love reading your posts. I hope to steer more natural as well. And you are inspiring. :)

    As for hospitals and babies and being natural. I don't know how the birth of your little guy went for you. Or what you did to prepare for childbirth. But I'd like to share that I had an amazingly wonderful experience. We went all natural for our little one's birth and we used The Bradley Method. It was a 12-week (24 hours total) class and was worth every minute and dime we spent. If you didn't try Bradley and are planning to have more babies in the future, I HIGHLY recommend checking into it. See and "Husband-Coached Childbirth."
