
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

I hope everyone had a "Hoppy Easter" yesterday.
(sorry, I couldn't help but use the pun)

We sure did.

It all started when I saw an alligator in the church lake!
It's about time I saw one.  When I moved to Georgia 5 years ago, I joked with my mom and said that I'll know it's time to leave Georgia when I see a real live alligator.
Well, with only 8 days left in Georgia, I was getting a little worried that I wasn't going to see one - which would mean we weren't allowed to leave.
Thankfully, Easter Sunday Alligator pulled through as Neil pointed out the nose of the alligator peeking through the water.

And what would be an Easter Sunday without dressing up?
I just love this picture of our little family!  I only wish Little Bug was looking at the camera.  Oh well.

I got some other shots of him in his adorable Easter outfit!
I like to think he's thinking about the Lamb that was sacrificed for our sins and rose again in that middle picture.
I think I'm going to go for more lambs during Easter than actual bunnies.  I like the spiritual symbolism of the lamb.  I'm not sure I'm a fan of the Easter Bunny - where did the Easter Bunny come from anyway?

Later that afternoon we went to a potluck.  Here was my contribution:
It was yellow cake with lemon icing and adorned with yellow Peeps!  So very springy... and delicious!
(guess I can't TOTALLY get away from bunnies!)

To round out an already perfect day, we took a walk.
Looks like someone had a tiring day!

Back to the grind today.  I have LOTS of packing, sewing, and crafting to do before we move in EIGHT DAYS!

If you are wanting a custom bag before I go, please order by this Thursday, April 8th.

We will be shutting the shop down until April 22nd.

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