
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to Crop a Bad Picture

This past Halloween, Little Bug decided to sit IN the candy bowl as we waited on the porch for Trick-or-Treaters.

I thought it was the cutest thing ever and tried to snap a picture of it.

Unfortunately, the sun was fading fast and my camera captured some movement around his monkey face.

I usually delete these blurry pictures because I don't want to use them in my scrapbooking, but as I studied the picture, I noticed that the bowl and his feet were pretty sharp and clear.

So, I simply cropped the picture to include the parts I wanted.

A bad picture SAVED with the help of my crop tool!

Be sure to study those blurry pictures to see if there is anything in focus that would make a cute artsy addition to a scrapbook page or photo album before you delete!

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