
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Custom Bags Done ... so far.

Well, the deadline has passed for BLB Christmas orders.
I hope you got yours in.
You all are sure keeping me busy!
I LOVE it!

The ETSY shop is semi-closed for the Holidays and then my materinity leave.
It will reopen in early March with a FUN
So, save some Christmas money to spend in March when I reopen with:
~ new fabrics
~ new bag styles
~ and some discounts!!

For now, you can still buy BLB Gift Certificates for any birthdays, anniversarys, etc... that happen January - March.
I also have TWO ready to ship bags in the shop that I can get out any time!
And, of course, when you miss me, you can browse all the previously created bags here on the blog by clicking on the "Gallery of Bags" over to the right.

Here are some cute custom bags that will be shipping out soon!

This next one has to be my favorite fabric combination yet!
I love when customers think outside the box!!

The next clutch was designed by the same customer.
I wasn't sure how these two fabrics would look together, but I LOVE IT!

As satisfying as it is to finish so many custom bags,
I have another pile of cut fabric ready for me to sew together!

I think I might be buried under there somewhere.

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