
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guest Post: Kelly from This Bird Nest

My friend, Kelly from This Bird Nest, and I go way back.  All the way to college!  She is a dear, kindred spirit with a very fun personality and deep thoughts.  Little did I know she was also great at redoing furniture!  Take a look!

I had dreams, okay? I specifically had dreams for my dining room table: 

Pottery Barn. You are the bane of my decorating existence. I want everything that you sell, but I can afford NONE OF IT.

Enter Goodwill: 

I bought this little table for 20 bucks. It was a magnificent buy, but it was SQUARE, both in shape and personality. Lucky for me, my good friend had a round table top sitting around in her garage NEEDING ME (Thank you, Amy!!). 
So, I had the pieces. I had a pedestal table and a round table top. The next steps were up to me. Here's the problem: I have never refinished/ painted furniture. NEVER. So, I consulted some experts and got to work.


My brother helped me with this! We sanded down the top of the table, but I only roughed up the base. After sanding, it was time for brushes!
STEP ONE: Oil Based Primer.

STEP TWO: Two Coats Semi-Gloss Paint.

STEP THREE: Polyurethane
(I recognize it looks like I may or may not have dipped my entire head into the can here.Oh, no, my friends-- I paid someone to make my hair look like that).

STEP FOUR: Attach the tabletop to the base!

STEP FIVE: Get that tool out of your toddler's hand!


Here it is in our lil' nest:

All in all, I think this was a success. As I told the husband, "I finished it. How many of my projects can I really say that about?" What a way to start out 2011, with PROGRESS.

Things I would do differently:
  • Sand more! The table top was a little beat up, and there was some water damage. I don't know if it would have helped immensely, but I would have liked to sand down the top a little more and see if some of the imperfections would have been less obvious.
  • Been more careful painting. I have a few places on the table that have little dots of dripping paint. In some universe, that might be artsy though, right?
  • Consult one of the vests at Lowes. I have no clue if I bought the right Polyurethane. Maybe one of you could tell me? But, I have no clue. The table looks great, and all... But, there are a few places that look a little yellow-y. I think it could have been me needing to be more careful while painting, but I have that nagging worry that I used the wrong product. LIFE.
So, Better Life Blog Fans, tell me:
Have you rocked any DIY projects lately?
Do you have any advice/ insight here?
If so, what could I have done differently?
More importantly, how can I get my hair to look less orange?

I leave you with a picture of me and Rebecca circa 2004.
You're welcome:
 Welcome to the world little one. You're one lucky Lady Bug.


  1. Imperfections are part of life, even when creating your own furniture pieces from scraps. The table looks great in the pictures Kelly, rejoice in a job well done and props from me! :)

  2. Thanks for the props, and you are SO RIGHT about imperfections! I struggle with that all the time!

  3. I think your table looks wonderful! Happy Friday!
