
Monday, January 31, 2011

Kitty Cats and Airplanes Giveaway Winner!

First of all,
THANK YOU so much to all my guest bloggers the past two weeks.

I have enjoyed reading all of your thoughts
and seeing all of your creativeness!

My readers ROCK!

If you ever want to guest post again
{or if any others of you would like to try your hand at guest posting}
please email me and let me know.

Now, onto the winner of the customized envelope clutch
from Kitty Cats and Airplanes.

Congrats The Loops!
{by the way... she has an amazing blog... you should check it out!}
I'm going to be revamping the blog a little as I adjust to my new role as 


My goodness is this hard!
Any and all tips/advice/encouragement is appreciated and wanted.

Not much will change with the blog.
Just giving myself a break if I don't have a spectacular tutorial each week.
I will still make it my goal to post every weekday.
Plus, I need to start gearing up for the Spring Launch of Better Life Bags!

Want to see a sneak peek?

Excited yet?
Did you save some Christmas money?
BLB reopens March 1st!


  1. Yay, welcome back! I know it's hard, but just cuddle that girl as much as you can and soon it will all be way easier. I can't believe my 2nd is almost 6 months...the time has flown.

  2. Hi there :) I visited from MSM a few months back and like to check in now & then. Congrats on your new addition! She is absolutely precious!

    I'm a mom to four kiddos (12 mos, 36 mos, 7 yrs & 12 yrs). And you're so right! It's hard for sure! I think that it takes time to settle in. Honestly, you're doing great, especially taking the first step in realizing that things are different now. Better, wonderful, tougher, more time is consumed just being, just getting through the day, but it will all come together. Even after my fourth, it took about 9 months before I felt back to normal, whatever that is :) My mom always said 3 months, but ya, everyone is different. 9 months. lol

    Keep up the great work Rebecca!

