
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some Thoughts on Prayer

Started going through a study on Victorious Prayer.

Found some quotes from mere humans - that while were sinful people, sure did have some great thoughts on prayer.

"The great people of the earth today are the people who pray.  I don't mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time and pray.
They have not time.
It must be taken from something else.  
This something else is important - very important and pressing, but still less important and less pressing than prayer."
- S.D. Gordon

"Prayer will never be easy.  It is harder for me to pray now than ten years ago.  I thought I would reach the place where I couldn't keep from praying.  Instead, I can hardly keep from not praying.  Why should it be easy?
It is warfare."
- Lorne Sanny

"The greatest thing each one of us can do is to pray.  If we can go personally to some distant land, still we have gone to only one place.
Prayer puts us into direct dynamic touch with a world.  A man may go aside today, and shut the door, and really spend a half-hour of his life in India for God as though he were there in person.  Surely you and I must get more half-hours for this secret service."
- S. D. Gordon


  1. Absolutely! Thanks, Rebecca! Blessings

  2. So good - thanks for posting this. Prayer is definitely a main area in my life that I need to work on. There is nothing like the prayer of a mother for her children.

    PS - Thanks so much for adding my button!
