
Thursday, March 10, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Bow Tie

Need something quick, cheap, and easy for your little man to wear on St Patrick's Day?

Try this easy bow tie tutorial from A Lemon Squeezy Home!

don't mind the wrinkled shirt or messy face :)  we're in survival mode around here.

I seriously put it together in less than 15 minutes.
AND I used a bandana from the dollar section at Target.
Can't get much cheaper than that!

I even had some bandana material left over to make Lady Bug a matching one for her hair head.

I'm going to use this for our St. Patrick's Day Photo Shoot.
Don't forget about joining me for taking photo shoots of our kiddos on holidays.

Are you getting ready for your St. Patrick's Day Photo Shoot?

You can find some ideas on setting up your "station" here
{from my Valentine's shoot}
and finding cheap decorations for the backdrops.

Keep checking back for some tips on editting your photos after you take them!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so much like his daddy... but yet I see you too! Love it and love you guys :)
