
Friday, April 1, 2011

New Kiva Loan

I'm super excited about our next entreprenuer that Better Life Bag purchases will go to help.
{If you're new here, 10% of all purchases go to help low income entreprenuers in developing countries.  Read more about how here.}

Rania lives in Jordan and is a 19 year old who is asking for a loan to help purchase a sewing machine!

How could I NOT loan to her?

She lives at home with her 3 brothers and twin sister.

10 years ago (when she was only NINE!) she took sewing training and got a professional certificate to allow her to start a small sewing business.

Her business helps to support her family.

She wants to be able to open a sewing workshop to be able to teach others to sew and employ more people.

A girl after my own heart!

I really wish I could meet this remarkable young lady.
But since I can't, I'll just have to be satisfied knowing that 10% of all transaction costs from your BLB purchases are going to help her reach her goal!

This is a sample of the card that comes with each purchase
highlighting the person your purchase went to help!

The next 10 purchases (or so) will go to help Rania.
If you'd like to donate to her cause, please shop away!
{Mother's Day is just around the corner!}

{remember, save 40% on upcycled baby bibs until April 14th - enter BetterLifeBib at checkout)

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