
Monday, October 10, 2011

blogcation is over.

Can you believe how long my "blogcation" was?!  The first few days, it took everything in me to hold back from blogging.  But, as soon as the break got rolling, I really started to enjoy it. 

Here's a little update of the last two weeks in pictures.  Enjoy.

A visit to the library with BayBay resulted in a Thomas the Train book!

Helping Bampa in the garden.  His BEAUTIFUL garden with lots of dirt.

See that?!  Ditty is standing!!

Illini game.  That was my jacket from when I was JoJo's age.  So many people asked about it at the game.  Vintage, people - totally vintage.

Pumpkin patch.  And I'm LOVING that JoJo calls them "hunkins".

Special time with Bampa.  And that is a ginormous windmill in the background.  Oh, country life!

He may or may not be slightly obsessed with firemen and firetrucks.

More reading.  Lots of reading.

You can tell that we had a great time.  Those who follow on Facebook got little updates now and then, but I held my promise of not blogging.  But, I'm back.  In full force.  Regular schedules and work weeks start tomorrow morning.  I'm a little sad to see it be over, but excited to start sewing again.  I've got lots of orders to work on!  Thanks for sticking around during the break.  It's good to be back.


  1. I have been a follower over here since your prayer cards last year, but I'm pretty sure I haven't ever commented. And so I decided to today because I must say that your children are absolutely precious. (This coming from another momma who thinks her own children are absolutely precious of course, so that means something, right?!) How wonderful to spend time with the grandparents! I am sure they loved every single moment with those kiddos. Welcome back. :)

  2. Just wanted to say welcome back! I have to share how each morning I would open my e-mail and scan my messages looking for your heading - it is amazing to me how addicted I have become to all things Blog - especially yours. They are always positive and uplifting - thank you for sharing! Your kiddos are just adorable. I wanted to ask - is Ditty's sweater handmade?

  3. Kristen and Kelley - THANK YOU for coming up from the depths and commenting! It really means a lot to me to hear from my readers. You should see my face as I read your sweet comments. Thank you for joining on this life journey with me ... even through computers.

    Kelley - the sweater is actually a thrift store find, but the tag says Janie & Jack. So no, it's not handmade.
