
Friday, October 14, 2011

pinterest challenge round 3 is here!

It's here!  Pinterest Challenge Round THREE.  We have a few changes this round, and I think you will all be thrilled with them.  Here are the details:

Did you notice the changes?  Categories are the same, but we have a new Pinhead - Amanda from Ninth Street NotionsHeidi is on maternity leave soon, so we are letting a new Pinhead join the ranks!

Change #2: Instead of emailing your Pinhead with pictures of your entry, write up a blog post showcasing your Pinterest Challenge project!  Don't have a blog?  NO PROBLEM!  Just write up a short explanation of your challenge piece and email it to your Pinhead with some pictures of the results.  She will write up the blog post for you!

Change #3: The reason we are having you write a blog post about your challenge entry is because we will do the voting here on the Pinhead's blogs in a linky party!  On Friday, October 21st, we will post the link party and you just copy and paste the URL from your blog post into the party.  (If you emailed us your blog post, we will send you the URL back so you can link up, too).

Just like last time, I'm hosting the Home Decor/DIY category.  So get busy!

Oh, wait.  You want to know the prizes if you win?  Here they are:

This bag from my Better Life Bag collection (The Alicia)... in the fabrics of your choice!

This amazing House Rules print in your size choice from Peace, Love, Etsy.

AND this beautiful necklace (personalized up to three discs) from Metal Stamped Memories.

Aren't those sponsors amazing?!  Now,take some time to check out the intro posts from the other Pinheads to see what they are offering in their category prize packages!

Ashlee from I'm Topsy Turvy (Recipes)
Kara from Happy Go Lucky (General Craft)
Amanda from Ninth Street Notions (Sewing)

If they don't have their posts up yet, just keep checking back... they will have them up sometime today!

Now, go decide which pin you want to recreate for the challenge!!

P.S. The BLB I'm working on today:
The Nicole

1 comment:

  1. Can you please email me the 31 days of prayer for my husband? My email is Thank you so much (from my unknowing husband too!)
