
Thursday, November 24, 2011

what would you have left tomorrow?

It's Thanksgiving.  The day we all give thanks.  I'm not very good at giving thanks.  Are you?

Maybe this will help.

I pinned this quote on Pinterest awhile back and it continues to haunt me every day.  Am I giving enough thanks?  Even when life is HARD?  And the kids are whiny?  And someone vandalizes my house?  Or breaks into my car?  Thanks is hard.

There has been a huge trend towards Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.  Basically she encourages everyone to start writing down the simple everyday things we are thankful for each day.  And make it a goal to reach 1000 entries.

I quit after just two weeks.  I guess I'm not very good at giving thanks.  That is - until she came out with an iPhone app!  I can log my 1000 gifts with a picture and a caption.  Now THIS is right up my alley.  I love pictures and I love documenting life and memories.  And I LOVE my iPhone.  Now I can add my thankfulness in the midst of it all.

It is my end of the year goal to have this be the last waking thing I do every day.  Fall asleep while logging my thankfulness.

It should make for a great end of year.  Join me?  Download the app here.

BLB of the day: The Alicia 

Save 10% with BAGOFTHEDAY {good only on this bag until midnight on date of blog post}


  1. we love this book over at -- -this past month we read the book together as authors and posted snippets from our lists and allowed others to share. i am a pen/paper kinda girl - so list making works great... off to share your post about the app. so sweet girl!

  2. This app ALMOST makes me wish I had an iphone... ;-)
