
Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 books

The winners of the "gift-away" are The Holdaway's and Marcia!  Neither one of you cared which gender set you got (one because you won't find out until Spring and the other because you plan on using them to gift to new mothers in your church).  SO, whoever emails me first will get their pick!  {}

Thanks for entering!  I plan on gifting things away a lot more - that was fun!

Don't forget to enter Amber's giveaway over at Click. Pray. Love.  You could win one of FIVE Pregnancy Prayer Card Packs!


I know today is already December 1st. And Advent technically started on Sunday, but I wanted to share a fun "Countdown to Christmas" idea I discovered last year.

We have 24 books all wrapped up and ready to be opened - one a day until Christmas Eve.  I got most of the books last year at after Christmas sales.  And found the wrapping paper in the dollar section at Target.  40 square feet of it for $1!  Most of the books talk about the meaning of Christmas - the REAL meaning - but being able to open one gift a day is so fun!

How are you counting down the days?

BLB of the day: 

Save 10% with BAGOFTHEDAY {good only on this bag until midnight on date of blog post}


  1. I think that your idea of wrapping little books and gifts about the Holiday Season is a wonderful idea and one that I am going to squirrel away for next year if you dont mind? December 1st always begins a very exciting time for us in our household as my sons birthday is on the 20th Dec, then of course it is Christmas and my daughters on the 30th Dec and this year it especially special as my sister gets married to the love of her life on the 16th December! It is a month of blessings!

  2. Newest follower from the Christian Ladies group on facebook :)

  3. Do you find new books each year or use the same ones? I always try to get a least one new book for my children each year. But I love this idea!

  4. Wow Sophie - you have an incredibly busy December!

    Welcome Megan! So excited about that group we started!!

    And Sara - this is my first year doing it, but I think I'll repeat most of the books each year - maybe adding one or two new ones to spice things up... and throwing out the ones we don' like. My son yelled "NO NO NO" throughout the entire reading of "The Little Drummer Boy" today, so that might be the first to go!

  5. That is a great idea. You should share some of the book titles with us.

    This year, I am starting a new tradition. I plan to place a wrapped book outside my son's door and one for my husband to open first thing Christmas morning. I hope to do this every year from now on.
