
Saturday, February 11, 2012

last minutes items (and a sneak peek)...

Hey BLB readers,

Just a quick one tonight to remind you a few things:

1.  The Pick Your Plum giveaway winner was announced.  Was it you?

2. One more day to enter the Pinterest Challenge!  110 entries so far, and voting opens up Monday at midnight.

3.  Thursday, Ashlee from I'm Topsy Turvy showed off her adorable Pinterest piece... it's something soft and adorable for her little one.  And yesterday, Kara showed off hers... it's something I've been pinned everywhere on Pinterest with lots of different variations.  Maybe you've already made one?

4.  I have something SUPER FUN in the works.  A new blogging initiative of sorts... here's a sneak peek:

Any guesses?


  1. Redeeming the Created? I have no idea what this is, but the sound of it makes me happy. I can't wait to see what it is!!
