
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Do It Yourself Home Decor {Thrift Shop Finds}

Do It Yourself Home Decor {Thrift Shop Finds}
I love decorating my house with thrift shop finds.  Remember this basket design on my wall?  It still gets thousands of pins on Pinterest every month.  **smile**

Not only is shopping at a thrift store cheap, but there is a thrill in finding something good!

I'm addicted.  I admit it, ok?  But, to share in my addiction, I thought it would be fun to share a picture reel of my favorite thrift shop finds that I've used for my DIY home decor.

Here is my new favorite view in my house.

It shows off my most recent thrift shop finds.  Those three vintage suitcases that you all saw on my Facebook page last week still make me smile when I walk by.  They are filled with crafting supplies.  And Jonah calls them his "treasures".

And this lovely textured oil painting that I almost didn't get last weekend.  I'm not sure how I could live without it now that I see the difference it makes on top of my craft cabinet.

I chose not to hang it on the wall, but just allow it to lean against it.  Just a DIY home decor tip {or a lazy mom who doesn't want to hammer during naptime}.

I'm also preeeety excited about this nice collection of plates I'm gathering. My hope is to create something similar to this pin on Pinterest.  With plates that I'm absolutely in love with.

And you may have seen how I decorate with vintage pillow cases at Christmas time.  Well, I did it again with this lovely mustard dream and a yarn-crafted wall art I found.

And I'm still loving my DIY centerpiece.  Although, it looks so much better with a constant bouquet of flowers on it.  {Dear husband... are you reading this?!}

And finally, my adorable blue, teal, and cream book spine collection.  I'm going to rip the spines off these for another project.  For now, the are resting peacefully on my bookshelf.

Ahhhhh... I'm already wanting to head out to the thrift stores again.  Wish you all could join me.


  1. Love the plates, Becky! How do you hang them on the wall?

    1. Hey Jaclyn - should have put that in the post! I use Dischangers. They are awesome!

  2. My favorite thing is that cupboard you painted. I love the aqua touches on the knobs. Brilliant.
