
Friday, March 30, 2012

Top 5 Photos from January - March {and some Jonah Quotes}

I love taking photos of my kids.  And I love to pretend I'm a photographer.  Mostly, I love to document LIFE.  And then I love to remember life by looking back through pictures.  Here are my top 5 favorite photos from this year so far.

{I should mention... it is EXTREMELY hard to narrow it down to just five.  Might have to do a "Part II" of this post!}

1.  Clara's 1 year photo shoot.  Love that she's looking right at the camera in the midst of a daring move, I'm sure.

3.  This is the face Jonah makes when I tell him to smile.  I love the blurry background and how it captures his sweet imaginative personality

3.  The kids pushed these boxes over to the counter to help us make dinner.  Really, we just gave them bowls of water.  I love that they do EVERYTHING together.  And that Jonah thought to give her two boxes verses his one warms my heart.  And check out those sweet tip-toes.  LOVE.

4.  This girl just makes my heart beat fast.  She looks so tiny compared to the couch... even though she's 13 months in this photo!  Look at her sweet feet tucked underneath each other.  And I'm pretty sure she was watching her brother - like always.

5. And finally, have I mentioned how much I love having two kids?  I love how much they love each other.  And how much they interact.  I love that Clara will push Jonah in his ride-on airplane.  But mostly, I love how they look at each other.  How fun to go through life with each other!

And to round up this post, how about some classic Jonah quotes from the past month?
{taken from my personal Facebook page status updates}

Jonah says, "I'm gonna draw Daddy". {draws a squiggle line} ... "whoops! That's a snake!"

Jonah puts a sticker on my shirt while saying, "Mom? You want a sticker on your heart?'

"Apple juice makes my tummy happy!""

Jonah tosses me a toy with a WILD throw then say, "Awwww mommy! You dropped it!"

Just tried to draw Blue's Paw-print in Jonah's notebook. I asked him what it was and he responded... "a heart!" guess drawing is not my thing. I'll stick to the sewing machine.

Jonah {to daddy}: Want to play with my trains?  Daddy: I WANT to play with your trains, but I NEED to get ready for work.  Jonah: You NEED to play with my trains. That's a true state.  Daddy: You mean "statement"?  Jonah: Yep, true statement."

Jonah: "It's getting dark outside... poor little sun..."

Jonah looks at Neil and says "I'm going to be just like you daddy!!" Then he goes back to eating breakfast and thinking... "First I grow up. Then I be a princess... no, I can't be a princess. I'm Jonah."

Jonah: Where is Diddy go?
Neil: She's at the Y with mommy.
Jonah: Diddy doesn't like go to the Y. I feel sad for her.

Clara puts one of Jonah's train tracks in her mouth: "hey! That's a track! It's not a bone."

Jonah has the hiccups. "I have the hiccups." {looks down at his tummy} "Hiccups, stop talking to me. I'm playing with Mommy."

I told Jonah he had 15 minutes before bedtime. He looks at me and says, "I'll be 3 by then!"

Jonah: Let's hide! {closes his eyes} or...  Jonah: I'm gonna turn off my eyes {closes his eyes}



  1. I love the kiddo quotes. They are so precious at this age! And lovely pictures, too. Warms any mom's heart to see her kids love and play with each other like that!

    1. I know Kristen... I never thought having two kids would be so rewarding!

  2. The pictures are precious!!!!! I am laughing hysterically at the Jonah quotes- too, too cute!!!!!

  3. These are so sweet - I'm really loving that first picture of Clara.

  4. I always enjoy Jonah's quotes when you post them on, so funny!!! So glad you linked up to us, since I don't get to see the kids as often as your fun creations.

    BTW, I figured out if I use a different search engine Blogger will keep me logged in and allow me to comment.......SO STRANGE, but it makes me happy!

  5. I always enjoy Jonah's quotes when you post them on, so funny!!! So glad you linked up to us, since I don't get to see the kids as often as your fun creations.

    BTW, I figured out if I use a different search engine Blogger will keep me logged in and allow me to comment.......SO STRANGE, but it makes me happy!

  6. Those first two pictures are so great. I love the daring one year in a tutu :) Ha! And that second one....boy what a great picture!

  7. Great shots. I love that last one. So sweet.

  8. Thanks for stopping by Jaihart! I "liked" your facebook page:) Great pics, btw's, my 11 month old loves watching her brother as well!So sweet isn't it?! Smiles, Jill
