
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Interchangeable Wreath {Tutorial}

I just love the craze of yarn wrapped wreaths.  And I love the idea of creating holiday themed ones.  But, I HATE the idea of making a different wreath for each holiday.

So, I decided to make a yarn wreath in a neutral color and cover a Styrofoam wreath instead.  This way, I can easily make decorations that are not hot glued to the wreath and change them out as often as I feel like it!

Each of my decorations will have a straight pin attached to the bottom.  These eggs were foam, so it was easy to push a straight pin up into it.  I bundled up the yarn in three different groups and just stuck a pin in the middle to hold it all in place.

After inserting the pin into the bottom of my egg, I simply pushed it down into the styrafoam and made a little cluster of eggs - perfect for Spring.  {Which I'm desperately asking for to come and STAY.}

Finding the perfect spot for my wreath proved to be a challenge.  Since it's white and fairly fragile, the front door wasn't a good option.  {We all know what happens when I put fake decorations out front.}

So I opted for leaning against my Craft Hutch for now.  I'm sure it will get moved eventually.

Already looking forward to the next holiday to redecorate my wreath!  This is like those fake geese my Grandma has on her porch {you know, the kind that you dress up for each holiday...}, but more my style.  {no offense, Grandma.}


I'm currently wading through the 1,000+ pictures I took over Easter weekend.  Yes, that is excessive.  So... you can expect a Easter recap tomorrow right here - full of dyed eggs (and hands), hunts, and stories of the Easter bunny.

I'll leave you with a preview, though.  This little lady was ready for an egg hunt... don't you think?


  1. Besides loving your wreath, is she not the cutest little girl out there?!!!

  2. I pinned you. Wonderful idea and cute wreath.

  3. This is such a super cute idea! Thanks for sharing! :]
