
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monthly Recap {April 2012}

In case you missed any of last month's posts, here they are in visual form (with links to each individual post). 

  1.  My Grandpa loved purple martins and I wrote about my last goodbyes to him and how he kept his promise to us through those birds after he died.
  2. We had lots of photos to wade through to summarize Easter weekend.  Including a sweet brother-sister kiss.
  3. Clara decided to attempt the impossible with a hanger and herself.
  4. I shared 5 practical ways to pray for the world.
  5. On one of the warm days this month, we went to the park - and took lots of pictures.
  1.  After a painful night my junior year in college, I asked God to send me "healing rain" - and did He ever!
  2. God and I spent a pretty sacred time together... washing dishes.  Finding the sacred in the routine.
  3. A mommy-moment on how special times before bedtime can be.
  4. I let you peek into my marriage for a little - to see a "movie moment".
  1.  You should read the reaction my neighbor had after I took her out of the city and into the suburbs.
  2. Doily craft round-up!  Not your Grandmother's doilies anymore!
  3. A craft tutorial on how to make an interchangeable wreath.
  4. A fun way to fancy up the prayer cards you might be gifting to your friends.

And how could I forget the fact that we launched Redeeming Creations this month? 

This month has been incredible for me.  Your comments, your emails, and your interaction on Facebook have made life so much fun!

And once again, you have made Shop Better Life Bags have it's best month yet!  We were able to loan over $120 to people who need it - thanks to your purchases.



  1. How am I just now finding your blog? Hi! I'm Desiré from When You Rise and found you through your blog comment! I love your bags and site and am so excited to get to know you! I definitely think we could be real life friends! :)
