
Friday, January 22, 2010

I've been busy...

So, I've been pretty busy lately - as you can see!  SIX diaper bags made for the All About Baby Expo coming up on the last day of February.  My goal is to have 20 bags ready for sale, but I'm really hoping people will order some custom bags.  I'm working on making swatch samples for people to become their own designer!

This is helping tremendously with saving our backs :)  It's a sewing and craft table that is tall enough to stand up and work at.  No more leaning over tables to cut fabric... ouch - we're going to need a chiropractor after this is all over!

I've also been working on improving my designs.  This week, I came up with a new style of pocket for the Emily Diaper Bag.  Vote on your favorite (left picture = elastic pockets, right pocket = straight pockets) by leaving a comment!  (Both fit the essential bottle perfectly.)


  1. I like the straight one, but do the bottles fall out easier?

  2. You know, I never thought about the "falling out" aspect. They fit in there nice and snug, but I'll have to tip a bag upside down to test it. Thanks for the advice! I'll let you know how the trial run goes :)
