
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Want a FREE bag? Read on...

Giveaway CLOSED!!!

You'll want to read this until the end... there's an awesome giveaway/contest to enter from Better Life Bags!

Just thought I'd showcase some of the individuals that Better Life Bags has been able to help thanks to the people buying our custom bags.  All proceeds of every Better Life Bag transaction go towards low income entrepreneurs in developing countries.  Not only do you receive your fully customized bag in the mail, but also a picture and blurb of who your bag went to help.  Here are some of the lastest:

Meet Akuwa-die Baidoo.  She lives in Ghana and runs a grocery store.  She has one child and requested a loan to buy more groceries to sell in her store.  We helped fulfill her loan thanks to six bag orders.  She is in the process of paying us back, and as soon as she does, Better Life Bags will reloan the money to someone else.  So, your bag just keeps on giving forever!

Meet Agababa Aliyev.  He wanted a loan to purchase four more cows for his farm.  He has five children and works very hard to provide for them.  So far, Agababa has paid back 11% of his loan thanks to the five custom bag orders that went to help his purchase of cattle!
  And this adorable woman is Ndiawa Dieng from Senegal.  She dyes cloth, sews, and weaves for a living.  Isn't her outfit just amazing?!  Of course, I had to help someone who is a crafter just like me!  Proceeds from seven bag orders went to help fulfill the loan she requested.
Here is the cool thing.  Better Life Bags has been able to help six individuals and give $150 so far because of your interest in our bags.  And because we've chosen to give through Kiva, when the money is paid back, we can reloan it to someone else.  The loan that keeps on giving!  Here is our first Better Life Bag recipient that came from the second round of loans!  Fatou Aliou Faye.  She lives in Senegal.  She is 63, a widow, and childless.  She requested a loan to help fatten her cattle so she will be able to support herself and save a little money.
I just love Kiva.  I think it's the greatest idea ever.

So, in the spirit of giving, Better Life Bags is doing our first giveaway ever!!   

Your choice of anything at my etsy shop!!!! 

Here's how you win (each comment counts as a separate entry into the giveaway):

1. Follow this blog by clicking the "Follow" link to the right leave a comment saying you did.  (Already follow?  Leave a comment saying you do!)

2. Join our Facebook Fan Page and leave a separate comment saying you did.  (Already a fan?  Remind me in a comment!)

3. Go join the Better Life Bag Kiva team and leave another comment saying you did that, too!

4. Finally, go blog, tweet, or Facebook about how awesome Kiva is with a link to this blog and let me know you did so in a comment.  (Spread the LOVE!)

Get it?  Follow all four steps by leaving four comments and you've got yourself entered into the giveaway four times!  Do three = three entries, two = two entries, etc... We'll see how this first giveaway goes - humor me ok?  You might just win!

Giveaway closes at midnight (pacific time) on Jan 31st... so ENTER AWAY!  
(I will put all your names in a hat and pull the winner on Monday morning!  If you enter four times by doing all four "assignments" at the top of the page, you will have your name in the drawing FOUR times!)


  1. Hey Becky!! Love that you have the blog!! I'm following and letting you know so that I can get entered in your giveaway!!

  2. Oh I'm a facebook fan and I joined your Kiva team and my current status is about BLB and Kiva...I think that is all 4...hopefully I didn't miss something!!

  3. I just love this cause Becky. So special! I'm a follower and have been from the very beginning! :)

  4. Hey Rebecca, Im not sure about this following thing...but i do like reading your blog!

  5. Becky, I LOVE your bags and think the way you are doing it all to help others is awesome. I showed Brian last night and was bragging about you :) So here is my comment to be entered into the drawing! Hope you are doing well!

  6. I'm following you pretty lady!! :) enter me!! THANKS!

  7. I am following this blog. This is such a neat idea. So crafty!

  8. I am also a facebook fan!

  9. I'm not sure why it switched but peaches9783 and Beki are the same person! Thanks!

  10. My facebook status! "Neat idea....Kiva loans money to new business owners in 3rd world countries to help get them started. Cute, homemade bags to boot!"

  11. I'm following too! And a fan on FB. :)

  12. I'm soo sooo a fan! Free bag here I come :)

  13. You know I follow you now, but here's my official comment!

  14. You are awesome! Love the products love your cause! Helping to get the word out for you as well on facebook!

  15. Love the blog and definitly following :)

  16. Katie Wright: I follow your blog and am a fan. Love what you're doing!

  17. Hi Becky, I'm a big fan! I love what you are doing! Dawn

  18. Hi, Becky,

    I already follow via RSS feed, but I just made it more official with the public google following. Love your bags and all your crafty goodness. Love that you are giving profits to better the lives of others. And love your sweet little munchkin; he is ADORABLE!


  19. Oh, and yes, I'm already a fan on FB. Jumped on that train from the moment you made the FB page. :)


  20. Kiva is an amazing organization; I'm glad you've connected with them. You could have so easily made your bag business all about yourself and earning money for yourself, but you are helping others. SOOO happy and inspired to see you doing Better Life Bags. I pray this business thrives and you can reach so many more with your loans!
