
Monday, January 2, 2012

pinterest challenge round 4 is here!

Welcome to January!  And WELCOME to the first Pinterest Challenge of 2012!  It's definitely not our first round {Round 4 to be exact}, but it's sure to be the best one yet.  Here's why:

First of all - we have gotten rid of the categories.  You are FREE!  Free to do anything you pinned from Pinterest.  So, that awesome outfit you copied the other day?  Snap a picture and link it up to the party!  Those cute cookies that look like melting snowmen you made for the holiday party?  Write up a blog post and link it up!  Anything goes!

Secondly - you can link up up to FIVE projects.  Just make sure they were done within the last 4 weeks.  Honesty here people, honesty.  This means five chances to win to grand prize package!

Yep, there are still prizes.  And yep, there are still Pinheads.  But, we are adding a special GUEST PINHEAD to each round.  See below to find out who our special guest is this month.

Last - the link party will be hosted on ONE Pinhead's blog.  You'll have to tune in the first Monday of each month to discover where the party is going to start.  The voting will all happen there, too.  So you'll want to make yourself real familiar with that Pinhead during the challenge!

Ok, enough of the details.  Now to find out how to play!

We {the Pinheads} have been busy working on our Pinterest Projects, too!  Here's a sneak peek at them.  See if you can tell what each project is.  The full versions will be revealed each day during the Challenge!

Here's the party schedule for the week:
Today: Head over to Kara's blog and start linking up your Pinterest Challenge pieces!  (link party will be open until midnight on Sunday).
Tuesday: Check out our Guest Pinhead, Holly @ 504 Main and see her Pinterest Piece!
Wednesday: Visit Amanda @ Ninth Street Notions and see her big reveal.
Thursday: Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy shows us what she worked on.
Friday: I'll reveal my Pinterest Challenge piece right here!
the weekend: spray paint, link up, sew, link up, cook, link up (just get those projects linked up!)
Monday - Wednesday: VOTE for your favorite Pinterest Challenge piece!
Thursday: Winner announced!

Ready for some Pinterest fun?!  Start linking up!  Or just go check out the awesome prize package that one of you will win!

And grab a button if you play along!

BLB of the day:
Save 10% with BAGOFTHEDAY {good only on this bag until midnight on date of blog post} 

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