
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

top 11 pictures of 2011

Remember:  Go link up your Pinterest Challenge projects at Kara's Blog!
Then, our special Guest Pinhead {Holly} is showing off her amazing creation at 504 Main.  All I can say is, that from the preview, it looks vintage... it looks lovely... and it might either be something you wear or something you hang on the wall.  Hard to tell - you'll have to go see for yourself.


Amber at Click. Pray. Love. is hosting a fun link party where you choose your top 11 photos for the year.  You don't have to be a professional photographer to enter, either!  The goal is just to take pictures all year long of your precious kids (or animals) and share them with each other.  There is a prize package for the winner (chosen by and I'm giving a $25 gift certificate to Better Life Bags as part of the prize package!  You have until Wednesday to enter {sorry I'm so late at getting the word out on this}.

{in no particular order}

He used to LOVE to color.  And those eyes... beautiful, right?

 This picture was taken the day this happened.  The tractor and all that dirt... he was in heaven.

We added a new family member to our little Smith clan in January.  Here JoJo is reading up on what it's going to be like.  Love his little piggies in the corner of the shot!

Little sister is here!  While he probably isn't, I love that it looks like he's reading to her.

Isn't she beautiful?  Clara, you are a precious addition to our family.

This is her 9 month shot.  That finger in her mouth... man, she has wrapped around that finger!

Her 6 month picture.  That bow just kills me.  And those eyes... just like her brother.

When Clara was first around, Jonah loved to go stand at her crib and peek in at her sleeping.  I love that I caught that moment on camera.

Just a lazy day watching cartoons... upside down!

The beaches of California.  Love that this shot shows their footprints.

Jonah and his Bampa in the corn fields of Illinois.  Precious.

I'd love to see your favorite pictures from 2011, too!  Go link up at Click.Pray.Love!  Who knows... you might win the gift certificate to my shop!


BLB of the day:

Save 10% with BAGOFTHEDAY {good only on this bag until midnight on date of blog post}


  1. So many sweet memories especially with adding sweet Clara to the family. I also love the photo you captured the day the "tear down" happened. I look forward to seeing how things transpire with the property.

    Thanks so much for posting and for sponsoring a portion of the prize package.

  2. Rebecca,
    With most pictures I would think to myself, "I remember that".
    Your sweet children's eyes are unbelievable. And for both to get them, ahhh!
    Thank you for sharing your top 11. Just lovely!!

  3. @Paula Isn't it fun to look back at the year?! I MIGHT have another "top 11" post coming tomorrow. January is probably my favorite time of year.
